The existing conduit is used to supply Chorus’ copper network into your property and in most cases, Enable does not use the existing Chorus conduit/duct to install our fibre connection. We cannot interfere with Chorus’ network.
Articles in this section
- Can Enable use my overhead power line to bring fibre from the street to my house or business?
- Can I use any existing conduit/duct to bring fibre from the street to my house?
- How is fibre connected from the street to my home/business?
- Is surface mounting duct along my fence safe and is the network protected?
- I don’t want my driveway cut. Can you bring the fibre onto my property from a different location?
- The fibre on the street isn’t in the most logical spot for connecting my home.
- Where does the fibre enter my house?
- If you cut the driveway will you replace it?
- Will you disturb my driveway/paths/garden?
- Why won’t Enable use the existing conduit?