It’s important you don’t attempt to repair the damage yourself and that you advise your internet provider as soon as you become aware of the damage, so we can complete the repair as quickly as possible. Fibre cables carry laser light that presents a potential health and safety risk, if exposed. A poor repair can also negatively impact the performance of your broadband service.
As per our End User Terms (Section 2 – Our Network) we reserve the right to charge for damage caused to our network. As per other utility services, this includes damage caused by rodents:
Please note we charge a minimum call out fee of $113.85 if a technician is dispatched and we don’t gain agreement to complete the work.
Our technicians adhere to a range of documented standards when completing a fibre installation or repair. However, if you believe our work isn’t up to standard and this has contributed to your fibre network or equipment being damaged, please email with a photograph of the damage and we will investigate this further.